
Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday ISM Net Round Up

This week the news of the Independent Sacramental Movement is quite varied.

In my regular reads:

Let me lead off with Finding Grace in Ordinary Time’s post on Silence and Honoring the Mystery in Our Lives, an Augustinian’s very Benedictine reminder to all of us who presume to write about spirituality.

At Rumney Marsh Ruminations, Bishop David seconds the sentiment in ‘Tis the Season.

Bože! engages in a dialogue in An Interesting Consideration of Independent Catholicism.

On the left-hand side of the house, the approaching US election and the 50th anniversary of Vatican II created all kinds of news. 

The Washington Post discovers Roman Catholic Women Priests, a group whose choice of name remains controversial to many in the Independent Sacramental Movement since it seems to place Old Catholic orders, which have been conferred on women for 75 years, in the position of serving as a vehicle for internal Roman Catholic advocacy.

In a sign of how the ISM has entered the cultural mainstream, The Huffington Post published An Open Letter From the Heart on Marriage Equality by The Rev. Daniel C. Storrs, an ISM priest who blogs at The Body is Many.

Finally, I ran across the blog Priesty and The Witch, which I had entirely missed, via an entry in which co-author Priesty tells of his journey to the ISM, a story which may sound familiar to many of you.

On the more traditional side of things:

Archbishop Jerome Lloyd’s latest pastoral letter argues that the problems of conciliarism set in at Vatican I and we should remember our debt to Archbishop Mathew.
Several blogs carried news of a new Society of St. Pius X of the Strict Observance, which history tells us will likely become one more source of orders for the ISM in ways its founders never imagined.  There was also news of the SSPX's Bishop Williamson, a man who can hold his own with the most colorful vagantes of a century ago.

 And, from the Old Catholic way-back machine:
The Principality of San Luigi offers profiles of the founder of the Order of Antioch, Archbishop Frederick Ebenezer John Lloyd and of The Rev’d James Yorke Batley.

At the same site, there is a notice of a new book on Joseph-René Vilatte.

Finally, Independent Catholic Church offers some vintage photos and video from Brazil on Dom Salomão Ferraz, who was consecrated by Carlos Duarte Costa but participated in Vatican II after returning to the Roman Catholic Church.  (I still haven’t seen a good third-party historical source explaining this.)
I am fairly confident there is something in this news mix for everyone.