
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

ISM Tuesday Net Round Up

Detail from the cloister of Elne.
Several new pieces from around the Independent Sacramental Movement came on line in the last week.

First from, the Independent Catholic Christian Church, the bloggingest jurisdiction in Christendom, we have:

Looking Evil in the Eye: Sermon Preached at the Ordination of Br. Shane Neese, AIHM, to the Order of Exorcist, August 11, 2012

Fr. Joseph Augustine offers his thoughts on being Joyfully Sacramental.

Theology Schmeology offers a guest sermon for Proper 14 given at Philadelphia’s St. Mary of Grace on Chick-fil-A and what Jesus would do.

Finding Grace in Ordinary time reflected on the Solemnity of St. Augustine and community at a distance.

Around the rest of the ISM:

The Vagrant Vicar says we should be less worried about respectabity in Judge Not.

Rumney Marsh Ruminations ponders death and bereavement in Reflecting All Over the Map.

Finally, just up the road in the Ozarks, Abbot-Bishop Brian E. Brown announces the return of Radio Free Catholic.