
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ss. Cosmos and Damian

Today on the new calendar or tomorrow on the old is the feast of Ss. Cosmos and Damian, patrons of physicians and veterinarians and namesakes of my two favorite cats in Philly.

Here's a translation of the Vespers hymn for the feast that I found at Musica Sacra:

O people dedicated to God, o strong
And manifold assembly,
O every group and meeting
Held by time's round,
The wave of which cleans the blood
Of each victim.

By the excellent ones, moved in the ear
Also the depths of the breast,
At the same time of the inmost heart
And highest mind, spread it out.
A pious thing is narrated; everyone
Come flying to this place.

Lo, at a new procession
A miracle rushes up,
While the full line stands firm
To give all a cure.
For they are strong, Cosmas and the other,
Renowned Damian.

By mouth, by touch, by order, they can
Heal with grace.
By fire of iron, [cauterization] by fire of Word,
They dry out all that's diseased.
By art from books, by art from heaven,
They heal all the listless.

Whoever stands firm to be with them,
He makes it to salvation.
One virtue shapes both.
And those who are lively,
While they are strong, by mouth,
By hand, they determine all.

Bones, nerves or marrow,
Blood, limb, entrails,
Breath, and all the breast,
Anxious by boredom.
As many who by the saints bear the full,
So many they pray for a cure for:

For those demon would destroy, and horror.
Faintness, the ulcer that would cut them down.
Let grace follow the fault,
And clemency, the crime.
Let the evil end altogether
And eternity be for the good.

Praise be to You through all time,
O unbiased Trinity,
Praise, honor and all virtue,
Singular glory.
May it endure to You, God,
For an age of ages, Amen.