
Friday, August 24, 2012

The Feast of St. Bartholomew

The Tomb of St. Bartholomew, San Bartolomeo all'Isola, Rome.
 And Philip found Nathanael, and told him, We have discovered who it was Moses wrote of in his law, and the prophets too; it is Jesus the son of Joseph, from Nazareth. When Nathanael asked him, Can anything that is good come from Nazareth? Philip said, Come and see. Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards him, and said of him, Here comes one who belongs to the true Israel; there is no falsehood in him. How do you know me? Nathanael asked; and Jesus answered him, I saw you when you were under the fig-tree, before Philip called you. Then Nathanael answered him, You, Master, are the Son of God, you are the King of Israel. Jesus answered, What, believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig-tree? You shall see greater things than that. And he said to him Believe me when I tell you this; you will see heaven opening, and the angels of God going up and coming down upon the Son of Man. John 1:45-51

The eternal gifts of Christ the King,
The apostles’ glory, let us sing,
Ad all, with hearts of gladness, raise
Due hymns of thankful love and praise.

For they the Church’s princes are,
Triumphant leaders in the war,
In heavenly courts a warrior band,
True lights to lighten every land.

Theirs is the steadfast faith of saints,
And hope that never yields nor faints;
And love of Christ in perfect glow
That lays the prince of this world low.

In them the Father’s glory shone,
In them the will of God the Son,
In them exults the Holy Ghost,
Through them rejoice the heavenly host.

To thee, Redeemer, now we cry,
That thou wouldst join to them on high
Thy servants, who this grace implore,
For ever and for evermore. Amen.

Aeterna Christi Munera (The Eternal gifts of Christ the King)
Hymn for Vigils of an Apostle