
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Three Hymns for the Feast of Ss. Joachim and Anne

 St. Anne with St. Mary as a girl, St. Mary's Church, Altus, AR.

In the Cistercian Calendar, as is often the case with anything touching the BVM, today carries a higher rank than it does in the Universal Calendar. Ss. Joachim and Anne are celebrated as a feast with a full proper office. Here are the textes of today's three hymns.

Mother Anne, be joyful;
Sing, O mother holy,
Since thou art the parent
Of God’s Mother lowly.

Praise thy wondrous daughter;
Joachim, too raises.
To the Virgin Mary
His paternal praises.

For in her our planet
First had benediction
Which in hapless Eva
Suffered malediction.

Therefore take the praises
Joyous hearts are paying:
And from all defilement
Cleanse us by thy praying.

Father, Son eternal,
Holy Ghost supernal,
With one praise we bless Thee,
Three in One confess Thee. Amen.

Gaude Mater Anna (Mother Anne, be joyful)
Hymn of Vigils

The birth of light betokens
The joy of holy Church,
Whose sons greet day with dawn-light hymn
To Mary’s mother, Anne.

Hers was blood of kings,
Priests and patriarches:
A noble race, whom glory won
By Anne made nobler still.

Anne accepted marriage
And thus obeyed her God.
At last her wasted frame conceived
Mary, Queen of grace.

She heard the angel’s promise
Of joyous motherhood.
Her womb it was that bore the Virgin
Star who lights our path.

Glory to God the Father,
To Christ, His only Son;
Glory to Spirit Paraclete
Now and beyond all time. Amen.

Clarae diei gaudiis (The birth of light betokens)
Hymn of Lauds

O singing world, ring out your praise
Of her who bore God’s Mother- Anne!
Her holy life of faith now bears
Rich fruit in everlasting joy.

In Anne, long line of patriarches,

Great kings and priests found destined goal:
A noble line, made nobler still
By Anne, the glory of her race.

Schooled by suffering, barren Anne
Embraced at last a mother’s joy
Her withered flesh God chose to bear
The flower of grace and purity.

Jesus, hear the prayer of Anne,
Cleanse my soul in springs of grace;
Through her daughter, flood my heart
With faith, strong hope and perfect love.

Father, in Your love for man,
Grant, with Son and Paraclete,
That Mary, child of Anne, may bring
Her wayward sons to rest in You. Amen.

Orbis exultans (Osinging world, right out your praise)
Hymn of Vespers