
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Feast of St. James: Beginning a New Road

 Shells of St. James in arms on a wall tomb at the Abbey of St. Paul in the Field, Barcelona.

I am yet to make it to the Shrine of St. James at Santiago de Compoestela, but over a couple of summer trips, I have gotten to see several stops along the pilgrimage route as well as several altars and pilgrim marks in the churches of Catalonia.  As James is one of the saints of pilgrimage par excellence, his feast day seems to be an appropriate day to launch this blog.

Altar of St. James at the Basilica of Saint Paul Serge in Narbonne.

Abbey of St. Michael of Cuxa in the French Pyrennes.

This is he, who first among the Apostles planted the Church with his own blood. * His body was borne into Galicia and his glory enlightens the whole world.

V. O light and splendour of Spain, Holy James the Apostle, intercede for us with the Lord who has chosen you.

* His body was borne into Galicia and his glory enlightens the whole world.

V. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

* His body was borne into Galicia and his glory enlightens the whole world.

-Responsory for the Third Nocturn of the Feast of St. James

 Altar of St. James, Argeles-sur-Mer, French Catalan Coast

The Priory of Marcevol in the French Pyrennes.